Which Months Do You Usually Get Sinusitis?
Sinusitis is quite common during allergy seasons which include spring and fall. If you are noticing symptoms of sinusitis, and you are looking for treatment, contact Allergy & Asthma Center today or book an appointment online. We have convenient locations to serve you in Lawrenceville GA, Atlanta GA, and Conyers, GA.

Table of Contents:
What is the main cause of sinusitis?
What are the symptoms of sinusitis?
Which months do you usually get sinusitis?
How do you treat sinusitis?
Sinusitis is the swelling or inflammation of the sinus tissue lining. The sinuses are based in four spaces within the head and are all connected by narrow channels. The sinuses can make thin mucus drain out of these channels and through the nose. The drainage is what helps to keep the nose clean and free of any bacteria. Normally, the sinuses are filled with air, but they can become blocked with fluid. If this occurs, bacteria will then grow and cause an infection known as bacterial sinusitis.
Sinusitis is caused by one of three things: bacteria, fungus, or a virus. Each of these can cause the sinuses to become blocked and swell up. A few specific causes that can cause sinusitis include:
– Common cold
– Nasal allergies
– Seasonal allergies
– Polyps
– Deviated septum
– Weak immune system due to medications or illnesses
When it comes to infants or children who often spend time in daycares or preschools, use pacifiers or drink from bottles when lying down, this could increase their chances of sinusitis.
When it comes to adults, sinus infections are increased when smoking. If you smoke, it’s highly recommended you quit. Smoking can not only be harmful to you, but also to those around you through secondhand smoke, or thirdhand smoke.
The most common symptoms of sinusitis include:
– Postnasal drip (this is when mucus drips down from the nose and into the throat)
– Nasal discharge (this is green or yellow discharge that comes from the nose)
– Stuffy nose
– Facial pressure (Often noticed around the eyes, forehead, and nose
– Headaches and/or pain in the ears or teeth
– Halitosis (known as bad breath)
– Cough
– Tiredness
– Fever
Fall is one of the most common times during the year for sinus infections to occur, and this is partly due to the types of seasonal pollen that are flying around like ragweed, on top of this, many start to look at cleaning out their vents in their homes through HVAC systems and finally the start of school, which is where the many of the viruses are passed around easily from one classmate to another then brought home.
Allergies also can cause sinus infections by increasing the swelling and inflammation within the nose. When the nose becomes stuffy, it isn’t able to stay warm and filter or even moisturize the air in which you breathe, due to this the sinuses are not able to drain as they should to keep you healthy. If the mucus remains in the sinuses, it can become a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria.
If you are looking to prevent sinus infection in not only you but your loved ones, it is best to keep your nose clear with saline solutions and keep your hands regularly cleaned with soap and water that is warm. Nasal steroid spray or as stated previously saline lavage can be helpful when it comes to controlling your stuffy nose.
To treat sinusitis, a few suggestions can be made by a doctor, or prescriptions will be provided:
– Saline nasal spray to rinse out the nasal passages
– Nasal corticosteroids help to prevent and treat inflammation
– Decongestants are medications that you can get over-the-counter as tablets, nasal sprays, and prescription liquids.
– Allergy medications which are either over-the-counter or prescription to help lessen allergy symptoms
– OTC pain relievers which include acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin.
If you are dealing with similar symptoms to sinusitis, contact Allergy & Asthma Center today to schedule an appointment for diagnosis and treatment if necessary, or we can provide information you can use for future symptoms. We serve patients from Lawrenceville GA, Atlanta GA, Conyers GA, Suwanee GA, Duluth GA, Grayson GA, Decatur GA, Brookhaven GA, Lithonia GA, and Covington GA.

Additional Allergy & Asthma Services
▸ Allergy Shots
▸ Allergy Testing
▸ Asthma
▸ Bronchodilators
▸ Drug Allergy
▸ Food Allergy
▸ Insect Allergy
▸ Nasal/Sinus Allergies
▸ Pediatric Allergy
▸ Pediatric Asthma
▸ Skin Allergy
▸ Spring Allergies