Back to School With Allergies & Asthma in Atlanta, Lawrenceville, & Conyers, GA
Is your child suffering from allergies or asthma? Our team of pediatric allergists provide treatments for skin & food allergies, pet allergies, nasal allergies, asthma & more. Please contact us today if you have any questions or simply request an appointment online. Serving Atlanta, Lawrenceville & Conyers, GA.

The start of the school year can be a busy time for parents and kids alike. In the rush of school supplies shopping and last-minute summer reading, it is as important as ever to incorporate planning for asthma and food allergies into back-to-school preparations. Our team of pediatric allergists at The Allergy & Asthma Center, LLC have created a guide to provide our patients and families with tips for a healthy and successful school year. Read on for a back-to-school checklist for food allergies and asthma.
Create an action plan.
Having an action plan in place at school is just as important as taking your inhaler or packing your EpiPen in your backpack. Action plans include clear instructions that allow teachers or school nurses to follow the best treatment guidelines if your child has an asthma attack or accidentally ingests a food they are allergic to. These can be downloaded at:
- Asthma Action Plan
- Food Allergy Action Plan
Refill all medications.
If you are having trouble finding an epinephrine auto injector due to a recent shortage, please don’t hesitate to contact your allergist for assistance. Additionally, make sure your daily asthma medications are up to date, and take them regularly as prescribed. Students on preventative medications will do much better if they start them before the school year begins. For students who need their Albuterol inhaler (also called Ventolin, Proair, Proventil or Xopenex) before P.E. or sports, be sure to ask for an extra refill to take with them for their gym bag or school nurse. Don’t forget to use a spacer!
Beware of fall triggers.
These may include factors such as ragweed, pet dander exposure from other students, and even respiratory viruses. If possible, check on your child’s classroom environment before school starts. There are many classroom triggers that can be controlled, including chalk, dust or even exposure to pets. Discuss how class snacks or projects involving food might expose your child to a food allergen. Place a phone call or meet with your child’s teacher to have them on your child’s care team from day one.
Don’t delay the flu shot.
Arrange for your child to get the flu shot in September or October at their pediatrician. Encourage good hand washing and provide hand gel for your child to take with them to class. Play it smart, and if your child with asthma has a fever and cold symptoms, keep them home in order to avoid spreading it to their classmates.
Pack your child’s lunch, and give them guidance about sharing food. Make sure teachers, school nurses and lunchroom staff all know what foods your child is allergic to and how to administer epinephrine if necessary.
Finally, make an appointment with your allergist online or call us to ensure your child is prepared for a healthy and happy school year!

Additional Allergy & Asthma Services
▸ Allergy Shots
▸ Allergy Testing
▸ Asthma
▸ Bronchodilators
▸ Drug Allergy
▸ Food Allergy
▸ Insect Allergy
▸ Nasal/Sinus Allergies
▸ Pediatric Allergy
▸ Pediatric Asthma
▸ Skin Allergy
▸ Spring Allergies